
(adjective), sex + ambidextrous
терм. бисексуал

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Ambisextrous" в других словарях:

  • ambisextrous — adjective a) Epicene, androgynous: having both male and female, or masculine and feminine elements. One searches to see whether the author [of “He created them male and female”, 5:2] meant to say that man was at the start ambisextrous b) Bisexual …   Wiktionary

  • ambisextrous — /am bi sek streuhs/, adj. 1. Informal. a. sexually attracted to both sexes; bisexual. b. used by or suitable for either sex; unisex: ambisextrous hair styles. 2. held in common by both sexes, esp. sexual characteristics. [1965 70; b. SEX and… …   Universalium

  • ambisextrous — /am bi sek streuhs/, adj. 1. Informal. a. sexually attracted to both sexes; bisexual. b. used by or suitable for either sex; unisex: ambisextrous hair styles. 2. held in common by both sexes, esp. sexual characteristics. [1965 70; b. SEX and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Julian Eltinge — (May 14, 1881 – March 7, 1941), born William Julian Dalton, was an American stage and screen actor and female impersonator. After appearing in the Boston Cadets Revue at the age of ten in feminine garb, Eltinge garnered notice from other… …   Wikipedia

  • The Medic Droid — Background information Origin Phoenix, Arizona Genres Synthpop …   Wikipedia

  • Julian Eltinge — Nombre real William Julian Dalton Nacimiento 14 de mayo de 1881 Newtonville (Massachusetts), EE.UU. Fallecimiento 7 de marzo de 1941 (70 años) Ciudad de Nueva York, EE.UU. Ocupación actor Julian Eltinge (14 de mayo de 1881 – …   Wikipedia Español

  • ambisexual — (adj.) unisex (of clothing), also bisexual, 1938 (ambisexuality is recorded from 1924), from AMBI (Cf. ambi ) + SEXUAL (Cf. sexual). As a humorous coinage based on ambidextrous, ambisextrous is recorded from 1929 …   Etymology dictionary

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