
(noun), knife + fork
вилка с заостренными зубчиками

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Knork" в других словарях:

  • Knork — Plastic knork A knork (pronounced /ˈnɔrk/) is a hybrid form of cutlery which combines the cutting capability of a knife and the spearing capability of a fork into a single utensil. The word knork is a portmanteau of knife and fork. Typically, one …   Wikipedia

  • knork — noun A piece of cutlery, used as both a knife and a fork …   Wiktionary

  • Fork — For other uses, see Fork (disambiguation). Assorted forks. From left to right: dessert fork, relish fork, salad fork, dinner fork, cold cuts fork, serving fork, carving fork …   Wikipedia

  • Spork — A spork is a hybrid form of cutlery taking the form of a spoon like shallow scoop with the addition of the of a fork (usually three or four). Spork like utensils have been manufactured since at least the late 1800s; patents for spork like designs …   Wikipedia

  • Cutlery — Silver forks and a spoon Cutlery refers to any hand implement used in preparing, serving, and especially eating food in the Western world. It is more usually known as silverware or flatware in the United States, where cutlery can have the more… …   Wikipedia

  • List of eating utensils — This is a list of eating and serving implements.* Chopsticks * Drinking straws * Fork * Knife * Knork * Splayd * Spoon * Spork * Tongsee also* Cutlery * Dishware * Drinkware …   Wikipedia

  • Pastry fork — A pastry fork is a small fork designed for eating pastries and other desserts while holding a plate. It is typically designed so that it can be used with the right hand, while the left hand holds the plate. It therefore has the left side widened… …   Wikipedia

  • Kronk Pepikrankenitz — DisneyChar name = Kronk caption = Kronk first appearance = The Emperor s New Groove (2000) created by = Mark Dindal voiced by = Patrick Warburton aliases = Principal Knork, Nurse Kronk relatives = Papi Father friends = Yzma, Kuzko, Pacha, Chicha …   Wikipedia

  • Essbesteck — Stäbchen, Porzellanlöffel, Teelöffel, Esslöffel, Gabel, Messer, Fischmesser Ein Ged …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • List of The Emperor's New Groove characters — The main characters in The Emperor s New Groove. From left to right: Yzma, Kronk, Kuzco (in llama form), and Pacha. The following are fictional characters from Disney s 2000 film The Emperor s New Groove, its direct to video sequel Kronk s New… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste der Kulturdenkmale in Berlin-Nikolassee — Lage von Nikolassee in Berlin In der Liste der Kulturdenkmale von Nikolassee sind die Kulturdenkmale des Berliner Ortsteils Nikolassee im Bezirk Steglitz Zehlendorf aufgeführt. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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