
(noun), Louise Malle (director) + malpractice
неудачная сцена в кинофильме "Damage", снятая французским режиссером Louise Malle

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Malle-Practice" в других словарях:

  • motion picture, history of the — Introduction       history of the medium from the 19th century to the present. Early years, 1830–1910 Origins       The illusion of motion pictures is based on the optical phenomena known as persistence of vision and the phi phenomenon. The first …   Universalium

  • France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… …   Universalium

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  • Academy Award for Best Director — Awarded for Excellence in cinematic direction achievement Presented by Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Country United States First awarded 1929 (for direction in films released durin …   Wikipedia

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  • Rappeneau, Jean-Paul — (April 8, 1932, Auxerre, Yonne, France )    A movie buff since his childhood, he led a cine club and filmed 16 mm shorts. In 1950, he settled in Paris, where he studied law before switching to cinema and becoming an assistant director (1955 Les… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • MOTION PICTURES — Since the early years of motion pictures, Jews have played a major role in the development of the industry and have been prominent in all its branches. This is true not only of Hollywood, where the role played by Jews is generally known and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Django Reinhardt — (1946) Background information Birth name Jean Reinhardt Born …   Wikipedia

  • Differences between Norwegian Bokmål and Standard Danish — Danish and Norwegian Bokmål (the most common standard form of written Norwegian) are very similar languages, but differences between them do exist. The languages are mutually intelligible, with the primary differences being in pronunciation and… …   Wikipedia

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