
(noun), man + menopause
шутл. мужская менопауза: период, характеризующийся гормональными, психическими и психологическими изменениями в организме мужчины

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Manopause" в других словарях:

  • manopause — A decline in certain hormones that men seem to go through in their forties. I think he looks pretty good for a guy going through manopause; that testosterone therapy must be working …   Dictionary of american slang

  • manopause — A decline in certain hormones that men seem to go through in their forties. I think he looks pretty good for a guy going through manopause; that testosterone therapy must be working …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Hypogonadism — Classification and external resources ICD 10 E28..3,E29..1,E23..0 …   Wikipedia

  • Androgen replacement therapy — is a controversial hormone treatment for middle aged and older men which is often intended to counter the natural effects of aging. Androgen replacement is also used in a non controversial way for men who have lost their testicular function to… …   Wikipedia

  • andropause — (AN.druh.pawz) n. The period in a man s life during which the production of testosterone begins to decline. (Cf. menopause.) Example Citations: In nearly four decades as a therapist, Diamond has seen the interest in men s health especially… …   New words

  • menoporsche — (MEN.uh.por.shuh; MEN.uh.porsh) n. 1. Angst and anxiety exhibited by some men upon reaching middle age, especially when those feelings manifest in the purchase of a sports car or an affair with a younger woman. 2. A sports car purchased by a man… …   New words

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