
(noun), Cockney + mock
шутл. пародия на акцент кокни

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Mockney" в других словарях:

  • Mockney — (a portmanteau of mock and Cockney ) is an affected accent and form of speech in imitation of Cockney or working class London speech, or a person with such an accent. A stereotypical Mockney comes from a middle or upper middle class background in …   Wikipedia

  • mockney — /mokˈni/ noun A pseudo cockney manner of speech affected by people wishing to acquire the street credibility associated with an accent more proletarian than their own (also adjective) ORIGIN: mock cockney …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mockney — Als Mockney (Kofferwort von „mock“ (engl. nachahmen) und „Cockney“) wird in England jemand bezeichnet, der versucht, sich selbst als Cockney zu präsentieren (oder im erweiterten Sinne als Mitglied der Arbeiterklasse) in der Absicht,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • mockney — 1. noun /ˈmɒ a) An inauthentic imitation of Cockney accent and vocabulary. b) A person who speaks in this way. 2. adjective /ˈmɒ Characteristic of a mockney …   Wiktionary

  • mockney — n British (a person) affecting a quasi proletarian accent. The term arose in theatrical cir cles and was picked up by the media in the late 1980s to refer to attempts by upper and middle class speakers to modify their accents in order to render… …   Contemporary slang

  • mockney — n. (British Informal) act of speaking with an fake cockney accent …   English contemporary dictionary

  • mockney — noun Brit. informal a form of speech regarded as an affected imitation of cockney in accent and vocabulary …   English new terms dictionary

  • Cockney — For other uses, see Cockney (disambiguation). St. Mary le Bow The term Cockney has both geographical and linguistic associations. Geographically and culturally, it often refers to working class Londoners, particularly those in the East End.… …   Wikipedia

  • Estuary English — is a name given to the formulation(s) of English widely spoken in South East England and the East of England; especially along the River Thames and its estuary, which is where the two regions meet. Estuary English is commonly described as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Nigel Kennedy — Nigel Kennedy, Cheltenham Jazz Festival 2009 Background information Born 28 December 1956 (1956 12 28) (age 54 …   Wikipedia

  • Victor Lewis-Smith — is a British satirist, producer, critic and prankster. He was educated at the University of York [ uni colleges/article1208721.ece] . He is known for his sarcasm and biting criticism.Radio and… …   Wikipedia

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