
(noun), Boston + Sox
название профессиональной бейсбольной команды "Boston Red Sox" (PD)

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Bosox" в других словарях:

  • Bosox — noun The Boston …   Wiktionary

  • Boston Red Sox — Red Sox redirects here. For other uses, see Red Sox (disambiguation). Boston Red Sox 2012 Boston Red Sox se …   Wikipedia

  • October 2007 in sports — See also: 2007 in sports << October 2007 >> S M T W T F S …   Wikipedia

  • Don Demeter — in 1959 Outfielder / Third baseman / First baseman Born: June 25, 1935 (1935 06 …   Wikipedia

  • Baseball color line — The baseball color line, sometimes called the Gentleman s Agreement , was the policy, unwritten for nearly its entire duration, which excluded African American players and Latin players of African descent from organized baseball in the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Doug Mientkiewicz — First baseman Born: June 19, 1974 (1974 06 19) (age 37) …   Wikipedia

  • McCoy Stadium — Location One Columbus Avenue Pawtucket, Rhode Island 0286 …   Wikipedia

  • Dick Bresciani — Richard L. Bresciani became the Red Sox’ Vice President/Publications and Archives in 2003 after serving as Vice President of Public Affairs since November, 1996. He had been Vice President of Public Relations since August 1987. Dick joined the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hideki Okajima — 岡島 秀樹 Boston Red Sox No. 37 …   Wikipedia

  • John Claiborne (baseball executive) — John Claiborne (born 1940) is a former front office executive in American Major League Baseball who also was an early president of the New England Sports Network (NESN), a regional cable television network primarily (80 percent) owned by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center — (ZBW) is located in Nashua, New Hampshire, United States. The Boston ARTCC is one of 22 Air Route Traffic Control Centers in the United States.The primary responsibility of ZBW is the separation of overflights, and the expedited sequencing of… …   Wikipedia

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