
(noun), camouflage + language
шутл. лживая, скрывающая или искажающая правду речь (PD)

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Camouflanguage" в других словарях:

  • camouflanguage — n. Language that uses jargon, euphemisms, and other devices to hide the true meaning of what is being said. Example Citation: The fine art of camouflanguage is alive and well in the business world, as evidenced by these excerpts from the… …   New words

  • Greenspeak — n. The coded and careful language employed by U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan. Example Citation: Harking back to his infamous irrational exuberance speech, Greenspan again said stock prices may be excessive. But he added the… …   New words

  • Humpty Dumpty language — n. An idiosyncratic or eccentric use of language in which the meaning of particular words is determined by the speaker. Example Citation: Nevertheless, it is hard not to see some Alice in Wonderland logic in action here. Good advice cannot,… …   New words

  • Language (General) — Language General amphibological antigram antilanguage aptagram autological beforemath Bubbonics camouflanguage …   New words

  • Spinnish — n. The language used by spin doctors and other political operatives. Example Citation: Spinnish could be a spinoff of spin doctor, since it is described as ostensibly neutral language used to manipulate, slant or otherwise alter the public s… …   New words

  • antilanguage — n. A collection of words and phrases used to exclude outsiders from a particular group and to disguise the group s activities. Example Citation: Mobspeak is a language that grows out of secrecy, and who can be more secret than the Mafia? The anti …   New words

  • collateral mail — n. Mail that contains or has been tainted by a noxious substance, especially the anthrax virus. Example Citation: Waxman and the committee s chairman, Rep. Dan Burton (R Ind.) sent an unusual bipartisan letter late Tuesday to FBI Director Robert… …   New words

  • cryptolect — n. A secret language. Example Citation: Unlike modern slang the ancient cant approaches the notion of a... cryptolect, as described by Ian Hancock. Altered by time, it retains a degree of currency in the British Isles and North America among… …   New words

  • fuzzword — n. A word or phrase that is deliberately confusing or euphemistic. Also: fuzz word, fuzz word. Example Citation: These days, the buzzword actually it s more like a fuzzword in urban policy is empowerment, a concept endorsed by both President Bill …   New words

  • jargon dyslexia — n. The inability to understand another person s jargon riddled writing or speech. Example Citation: Formed through a management buyout in 1996, Astron squeezed three old tech printing businesses together and wrought a dynamic new e business in… …   New words

  • jargon filter — n. An email program filter that has been configured to automatically delete incoming messages that contain certain jargon terms or buzzwords. Example Citation: After more than six months of research on the words most hated by the media and those… …   New words

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