
(noun), chop + shopping-list
шутл. список, содержащий план по вырубке деревьев

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Chopping-list" в других словарях:

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  • List of Skippy the Bush Kangaroo episodes — This is the list of episodes for the original Skippy the Bush Kangaroo series, aired from 1968 to 1970. It has been difficult to determine a proper order for Skippy episodes. The official numbering has many anomalies. The airdate order is also… …   Wikipedia

  • List of James Bond firearms — The following is a list of firearms used by James Bond in the novel, film, and video game adventures. Novels Ian Fleming When Ian Fleming wrote the first of the James Bond novels, Casino Royale , he had no idea the direction in which the stories… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Fighting Spirit characters — This is a list of the fictional characters that appear in the manga and anime series Hajime no Ippo (はじめの一歩?), which English title is Fighting Spirit. Characters are grouped by the boxing gym they are a member of. Contents 1 Kamogawa Gym …   Wikipedia

  • List of Chopped episodes — This is the list of episodes for the Food Network competition reality series Chopped. New episodes air every Tuesday at 9pm and 10pm EST. Contents 1 Series overview 2 Season 1 (2009) …   Wikipedia

  • List of sports — The following is a list of sports, divided by category. There are many more sports to be added. This system has a disadvantage because some sports may fit in more than one category.Soccer is currently the most watched and played sport in the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Rounds in Never Mind the Buzzcocks — This is a list and description of the rounds played on Never Mind the Buzzcocks .Current Rounds*Connections: Each team must work out the unlikely connection between two musicians (eg. the connection between Jay Z and Frederic Chopin they both… …   Wikipedia

  • list´a|ble — list1 «lihst», noun, verb. –n. 1. a series of names, numbers, words, or phrases; catalog or roll usually consisting of a column or series of names, figures, words, or the like: »a shopping list. 2. all the stocks or other securities officially… …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of Australian television series — This is an incomplete list of Australian television series and television programs.Future shows* Bogan Pride (SBS coming 2008) * Carla Cametti PD (SBS coming 2008) * Crooked (mockumentary in production, coming 2009) * Dirt Game (ABC1 coming 2009) …   Wikipedia

  • List of My Little Pony characters — This is a list of characters from the long running My Little Pony toy franchise. The My Little Pony franchise first debuted in the year 1400 B.C., the creation of American illustrator and designer Bonnie Zacherle. Together with sculptor Charles… …   Wikipedia

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