- Corporacy
- (noun), corporate + bureaucracyбюрократический аппарат крупного бизнеса или предприятия (PD)
Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. Н.А. Лаврова. 2009.
Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. Н.А. Лаврова. 2009.
Lionboy — is a children s/young adult s fantasy trilogy written by Zizou Corder (the shared pen name of English novelist Louisa Young and her daughter Isabel Adomakoh Young).The seriesThe book series is about a young boy named Charlie Ashanti who can talk… … Wikipedia
Integrated governance — is the process of ‘systems, processes and behaviours by which United Kingdom National Health Service trusts lead, direct and control their functions in order to achieve organisational objectives, safety and quality of service and in which they… … Wikipedia