
(noun), agriculture + automation
использование автоматической техники в сельском хозяйстве (PD)

Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. — М. : Флинта : Наука. . 2009.

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Смотреть что такое "Agrimation" в других словарях:

  • agrimation — (ag.ruh.MAY.shun) n. Agricultural automation: automated farming that uses robots and other high tech devices. Also: agri mation. Example Citation: Harrell is one of a small band of researchers at a score of universities and companies around the… …   New words

  • Plants and Gardening — 100 foot diet agrimation assisted migration biopiracy cereologist conscientious neglect crazy tobacco …   New words

  • Technology (General) — Technology General agrimation AI pocalypse alpha geek biomimicry BIY blue goo calm technology chip …   New words

  • agflation — n. Inflation driven predominantly by rising prices for agricultural products. Also: ag flation, agri flation. [Blend of agriculture and inflation.] Example Citations: In Pakistan, the prohibitive price of tea became an election issue; the Chinese …   New words

  • farmscraper — n. A high rise building used for growing crops. [Blend of farm and skyscraper.] Example Citations: More radical still is an idea that has environmentally minded architects worldwide in a tizz. Farmscrapers may become the solution to a bulging… …   New words

  • ghost farmer — n. A person who owns a large farm but who does not actively engage in farming the land. Example Citation: It looks like it is the end of the road for Brunei s ghost farmers, who have been making fortunes pretending to be agriculturists. Brunei:… …   New words

  • patch burning — (PACH bur.ning) pp. The purposeful and controlled burning of a section of an ecosystem. Also: patch burning. patch burn v., n. patch burn adj. Example Citation: Dr. Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, a professor of rangeland ecology at Oklahoma State, and his …   New words

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